A New Look Kim Il as a Sports Hero 스포츠 영웅으로서의 김일 재조명
김복희KimBokHee , 박세림ParkSeLim , 안경일AnKyongIll
This study aims to new look Kim Il as a sports hero and the results are as follows. From 1960 to 1981, Kim Il participated in more than 3,000 matches, participated in more than 20 world championships, contributed to the achievement of national prestige through foreign currency acquisition and NWA lifetime membership. Second, Kim Il gave dreams and hopes to all the people through professional wrestling, and it seems to have integrated the national sentiment and played a role of social integration. Kim Il showed his friendship and patriotism by supplying electricity to his hometown village and the drought of the country and he became a sports hero by donating income from stadium to social business. Fourth, Kim Il gave children a dream of a wrestler, and also worked as a back-up trainer to emit excellent athletes such as Lee Wang pyo and became a model leader. Therefore, this study is worth studying to expand the research area of sports personages and to recognize the achievements of sports heroes.
Key Words
김일, 프로 레슬러, 스포츠 영웅, 역할모델, Kim Il, Professional Wrestler, Sports Hero, role model
Methodological Approach to Sport Social Sciences through Philosophy of Science: Reconsidering Ontology and Epistemology 과학철학 탐색을 통한 스포츠 사회과학 연구법 접근 모색: 존재론과 인식론 재고찰
Methodological Approach to Sport Social Sciences through Philosophy of Science: Reconsidering Ontology and Epistemology 과학철학 탐색을 통한 스포츠 사회과학 연구법 접근 모색: 존재론과 인식론 재고찰
김영호YoungHoKim , 이원미Won-miLee
Nowadays, a number of research papers including sport social sciences appear to be written only in order to meet the institutional demands; thereby, philosophy of science(POS), which should be considered a required component rather than an elective one for research activities, is easily overlooked like a secondary option. In other words, it is shown ‘as if everybody knows its importance, but nobody cares about it’. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to address the importance of POS with its meaning in research activities and to extend the concepts of POS to the way in which it leads to methodological approach. In order to meet the purpose of this study, first, ontology and epistemology including their sub-paradigms were explained in accordance with a perception of POS. Next, it was discussed on the limitations of each paradigm of POS and their inevitable symbiosis such as interrelations with one another. Through the analysis, this study finally suggested ways to lead to research methodological approaches with the ideologies of POS. This study is also expected to play a crucial role in reminding not only beginners for research but also experienced ones of what they truly want to know through their scholarly activities and how to contribute their knowledge to our societies.
Key Words
과학철학, 존재론, 인식론, 실재론, 반실재론, 연구 방법론, Philosophy of science, Ontology, Epistemology, Realism, Anti-realism, Methodological approach
Interdisciplinary Contents and Prospect in eSports e스포츠의 학제적(學際的) 구성과 전망
Interdisciplinary Contents and Prospect in eSports e스포츠의 학제적(學際的) 구성과 전망
이상호LeeSang-Ho , 황옥철HwangOk-chul
Regardless of whether eSports is sports or not, there specifically are showing the philosophy of eSport, business, social interest and motivational analysis in various journal related eSports. As the phenomena of eSports appear in real world, it is time to set a discipline of eSports to view the eSports in totality. But it is not easy. The discipline of eSports has conceptual differentiation from others disciplines, common theoretical tools by recognizing many scholars in scholar community. So, we may not suggest the finished contents of eSports as a discipline. But we do not deny eSports is interdisciplinary research in which digital machine and sports meets each other. Also, interdisciplinary research of eSports will be differently explained according to scholar’s perspective. And its contents is considered as individual opinion of not having logical foundation. However, a scholar should pave the new way for the interdisciplinary contents of eSports. In which, we will seek for new another way and widen the way. This research focuses on experience as core element of interdisciplinary study of eSports. Experience is a critical concept penetrating eSports. We suggest the interdisciplinary contents of eSports as follows: phenomenology, cognitive science, culture of eSports, ecological psychology, and ethics of eSports. Although our suggestions are as the discursive approach, taking this opportunity, we hope to trigger the interdisciplinary discussion of eSports.
Displaying of Women’s Exercising Body through Image-based-SNS 이미지 기반 SNS를 통한 운동하는 여성의 신체 전시
유은혜YooEun-Hye , 김한범KimHanbeom
Over time, female interest in the body has increased due to the influence of the media. Recently, the display of female’s bodies has become much easier due to the use of new media, SNS. Thus, in this study, we tried to find what socio-cultural meaning the display of female body through image-based SNS has in the female’s perspective. Therefore, this study analyzed the photos, videos and SNS posts using the technique of ‘netnography’and conducted ‘interviews’ for deeper understanding. As a result, the images of female’s body images through image-based SNS could be classified into two parts that are the socio-cultural meanings of appearance and psychology. The socio-cultural meaning of appearance can be divided to the display of physical beauty and the envy of graphic images. The psychological socio-cultural meaning was derived from self-search through homo empitacus and physical display. The result of this study suggests that the physical display of the female body through media provides a basis for forming a positive self within and outside the producer’s viewpoint.
Key Words
미디어-루키즘, 운동하는 여성, 신체 이미지, SNS, media-lookism, female, body image
The Relationship between Collegiate Athletes’ Communication and Problem-Solving Capacity: The Mediating Effect of Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategy 대학 운동선수들의 의사소통과 문제해결능력의 관계: 인지적 정서조절전략의 매개효과
The Relationship between Collegiate Athletes’ Communication and Problem-Solving Capacity: The Mediating Effect of Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategy 대학 운동선수들의 의사소통과 문제해결능력의 관계: 인지적 정서조절전략의 매개효과
The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effects of adaptive-maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies in relationship between communication competence and problem-solving capacity. Subjects were 189 male collegiate athletes. The results were as follows: Their communication competence had a positive influence on their problemsolving capacity, and their adaptive emotion regulation strategies had a partial mediating effect on the relationship between communication competence and problem-solving capacity. But the maladaptive emotion regulation strategy did not have a statistically significant relationship with communication competence or problem-solving capacity. This result suggests that the communication competence and customized adaptive emotion regulation strategies are necessary to improve the problemsolving capacity of collegiate athletes.
The Role of Volunteered Participation and Competence Participation in School-Based Youth Sports Club: Focusing on Perception on the Sport Club and Transference of Leisure-Time Physical Activity 청소년의 학교스포츠클럽 활동에서 자발적 참여와 대회참가의 역할: 학교스포츠클럽 인식과 여가시간 신체활동 전이를 중심으로
The Role of Volunteered Participation and Competence Participation in School-Based Youth Sports Club: Focusing on Perception on the Sport Club and Transference of Leisure-Time Physical Activity 청소년의 학교스포츠클럽 활동에서 자발적 참여와 대회참가의 역할: 학교스포츠클럽 인식과 여가시간 신체활동 전이를 중심으로
한동수HanDongSu , 박세윤ParkSeYun
This study aims to assess mediation of volunteered participation and moderation of competition participation on relationship among perception of school sport club and leisure-time physical activity (LTPA). A questionnaire was administered to 1,448 middle school students (731 boys, 717 girls) who participating in a school-based sports club. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and correlation analysis according to the purpose of the study, and the mediating effect and the modulating effect were verified using the PROCESS v3.1 of Hayes (2013, 2017). The results showed that the perception of school sports club had a direct effect on LTPA transference, and voluntary participation showed significant mediation effect between perception of school sports club and LTPA transference. The Perception of school sports club only effect on LTPA transference who have experience in sports club competitions, and it was confirmed that there was significant moderation effect of experience in sports club competitions. This finding suggests that youth participation in school sports clubs contributes to the participating of LTPA, suggesting that voluntary participation of school sports clubs as well as experience in school sports club’s competition have an important role.
Key Words
여가시간 신체활동, 학교스포츠클럽, 대회, 매개효과, 조절효과, PROCESS, leisure time physical activity, sport club, competition, mediation, moderation
Testing a Predicting Model of College Students’ Exercise Behaviors using the Self-Determination Theory and Theory of Planned Behavior 자기결정성이론과 계획된 행동이론을 이용한 대학생의 운동행동 예측모형 검증
Testing a Predicting Model of College Students’ Exercise Behaviors using the Self-Determination Theory and Theory of Planned Behavior 자기결정성이론과 계획된 행동이론을 이용한 대학생의 운동행동 예측모형 검증
장보경JangBo-Kyung , 김승재KimSeung-Jae
The current study aimed to test whether college students’ self-determined motivation will influence exercise behaviors when mediated the cognitions of attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, self-efficacy, and intention. The study also examined the invariance of its structural relationships across past exercise habits using self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985) and the theory of planned behaviors (Ajzen, 1991) . Subjects were 634 college students (447 males, 187 females). Data were conducted using descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation, structural equation modelling, and multi-group analysis. The results were as follows: First, college students’ autonomous motivation contributed to enhance exercise behaviors as it positively influenced intention via attitude and perceived behavioral control. Second, college students’ controlling motivation had a positive effect on subjective norm, but did not influence on exercise behavior via intention. Third, the effects of self-determined motivation on exercise behaviors via the constructs of attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control from the theory of planned behavior, self-efficacy, and intention. These results suggest that college students should increase their autonomous motivation, positive attitude to exercise, and ability of behavioral control in order to participate in exercise regularly.
Key Words
과거 운동습관, 자기효능감, 자기결정성이론, 계획된 행동이론, 운동행동, Past exercise habits, Self-efficacy, Theory of self-determination, Theory of planned behavior, Exercise behaviors
Effect of the Focus of External Attention on Gaze Behavior and Performance during Golf Putting 골프 퍼팅 시 외적주의의 초점이 주시행동과 수행에 미치는 영향
Effect of the Focus of External Attention on Gaze Behavior and Performance during Golf Putting 골프 퍼팅 시 외적주의의 초점이 주시행동과 수행에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to identify the optimal attentional allocation strategies for the dual aiming task by analyzing the effects of the focus of external attention to the ball and the target point (hole) on the gaze behavior and performance. 15 male novice golfers participated in this study; the participants underwent a total of 80 sessions, 10 times for each combination of two distance conditions (1.5 m, 3 m) and four different attentional focus conditions (ball, hole, distribution of ball and hole, no external attention). The external attention condition on the ball (EAB) provided external attention on the back line of the ball for about 20 seconds in the preliminary phase of the putting and the subsequent putting phase. The external attention condition on the hole (EAH) provided the external attention on the center of the hole at the same timing in the same phase. The external attention distribution condition on ball and hole (EABH) had external attention provided from both the ball and hole as the preceding sessions. Control condition with no external attention (CON) were not provided with any external attention. In analysis of radial and variable errors, EABH decreased the error of putting performance compared to other conditions, and kinematic parameters of putting was also transformed to be efficient in EABH. The QE duration was the longest in EAB, but the QE period of EABH maintained appropriate gaze fixation duration for the dual aiming task. These results suggest that gaze behaviors that emphasize external attention allocation to both the ball and hole based on the QE strategy can effectively improve the gaze behavior and attentional allocation of the novice golfer.
Key Words
이중 조준과제, 외적주의, QE, 주시행동, 골프 퍼팅, Dual aiming task, External attention, Gaze behavior, Golf putting
The Ways of Savoring for Promoting Exercise Participation in Middle-aged Women: Focused on Savoring theory in Positive Psychology 중년여성의 운동참여 촉진을 위한 향유방식: 긍정심리학의 향유 이론을 중심으로
The Ways of Savoring for Promoting Exercise Participation in Middle-aged Women: Focused on Savoring theory in Positive Psychology 중년여성의 운동참여 촉진을 위한 향유방식: 긍정심리학의 향유 이론을 중심으로
The purpose of this study is to explore the ways of savoring of physical activities in middle-aged women based on the savoring theory of positive psychology. The first step was to understand the background of exercise participation experience and to provide basic information about savoring method. In the second stage, we used the open questionnaire to collect the savoring methods used during the exercise, and then, in-depth interviews were used to specify the savoring method. Open questionnaires were categorized according to the similarity of content and then nominated based on the savoring method. In-depth interviews were conducted to explore the cases of each method in detail. As a result, middle-aged women were found to use the savoring methods such as sharing with others, celebrating, comparing, feeling fine, blessing, expressing with behavior in physical activity. Through in-depth interviews, each case of savoring was embodied based on the savoring theory of positive psychology. Based on the results of the study, the possibility of applying the savoring method in the field of exercise instruction of middle-aged women and possibility of developing the savoring related program were discussed.
Key Words
향유방식, 중년여성, 신체활동, 긍정심리학, The Ways of Savoring, Middle-Aged Women, Physical Activity, Positive Psychology
Critical Review on Sports Coach Qualification System: Focus on the Concept of Desirable Sports Coach and Coach Standards and Competency 스포츠지도사 자격제도에 대한 비판적 고찰: 바람직한 스포츠지도자 개념과 코치 표준 및 역량을 중심으로
Critical Review on Sports Coach Qualification System: Focus on the Concept of Desirable Sports Coach and Coach Standards and Competency 스포츠지도사 자격제도에 대한 비판적 고찰: 바람직한 스포츠지도자 개념과 코치 표준 및 역량을 중심으로
정현우HyunwooJung , 이창현ChanghyunLee , 이계산GyesanLee
The purpose of this study was to critically analyze the sports coach qualification system in Korea in terms of the concept of a desirable sports coach and its standards. To this end, the concept of a desirable sports leader was identified in the educational aspects of sports coaching and the role and capabilities of the coaches accordingly. With regard to the criteria of desirable sports leaders, we examined the national standards for sport coaches in the United States and the competencies of coaches in the UK. The results of the study were as follows. First, in order to strengthen the professionalism of the sport coaches rather than the simplification and openness of the sports qualification in the eligibility requirements, the scientific, human and social knowledge of sports, athlete, and coaching required for the desired sports coaches in the written examination should be properly evaluated.. Second, it is necessary to reconsider the exemption from written tests by athletes from the national team and professional teams. Third, with regard to practical training fro coaches, it is required to improve the education contents that do not reflect the coaches’demands, the cramming education style centered on scientific knowledge, and the formal field practice that can not help the leader 's reflective practice. As suggestions of the study, building standards for the qualification of sports coaches, strengthen the criteria for the qualification of sports coaches, the improvement of practical training for enhancing reflecting professionalism, and the research on sports coaching knowledge and coaching education were presented.
Establishing a Strategy to Develop Online Career Administration System for Korean Student-Athletes through Analyzing Domestic and Foreign Cases 국내외 사례 분석을 통한 한국형 학생선수 온라인 이력관리시스템 개발전략
Establishing a Strategy to Develop Online Career Administration System for Korean Student-Athletes through Analyzing Domestic and Foreign Cases 국내외 사례 분석을 통한 한국형 학생선수 온라인 이력관리시스템 개발전략
The purpose of the study was to analyze the online student-athlete profile system of Korea and United States in order to create Korean online career administration system that allows student-athletes to balance sports and academic as ‘studying student-athletes’. The main functions of NEIS, e-school for student-athlete of Korea, and NCSA, Hudl of the US were compared and educational utilization of each case was analyzed. This study suggested future directions and strategies to foster ‘studying student-athletes’ using the Korean online career administration system. System users(i.e. student-athletes, parents, teachers and coaches) have to recognize the importance of academic management and it is crucial to raise awareness of systematic training. In addition, it is essential to develop operating strategies to readily access information in the system. Through the introduction of Korean online career administration system for student-athlete, it is expected that a student-athlete would be able to establish an opportunity to cooperate with schooling and training at the same time. Also, it can build a foundation to improve the culture of the athletic club and achieve scientific training methods.
Key Words
학생선수, 온라인 이력관리시스템, 학업관리, 훈련관리, 해외사례, Student-athletes, Online Career Administration System, Academic Management, Training Management, Foreign Case
The Effect of Human Service Quality and Relationship Marketing of Taekwondo-Jang on Customer Satisfaction, Customer Trust, Switching Cost and Customer Loyalty 태권도장의 인적서비스품질과 관계마케팅이 고객만족, 고객신뢰, 전환비용 및 고객충성도에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Human Service Quality and Relationship Marketing of Taekwondo-Jang on Customer Satisfaction, Customer Trust, Switching Cost and Customer Loyalty 태권도장의 인적서비스품질과 관계마케팅이 고객만족, 고객신뢰, 전환비용 및 고객충성도에 미치는 영향
유명원YuMyung-Won , 김용만KimYong-Man
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among human service quality, relationship marketing, customer satisfaction, customer trust, switching cost and customer loyalty of Taekwondo-Jang. The subjects were customer from Taekwondo-Jang and 400 data were collected and 392 of them were chosen as for final data analysis. Data processing was done for frequency analysis and Cronbach's α using SPSSWIN Version 22.0 and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model analysis using AMOS Version 22.0. Based on the research method and procedures, the results of the study were summarized as follows. First, human service quality had significant influence on customer satisfaction. Second, relationship marketing had significant influence on customer satisfaction. Third, customer satisfaction had significant influence on customer trust. Fourth, customer trust had significant influence on switching cost. Fifth, switching cost had significant influence on customer loyalty. The result implies that human service quality and relationship marketing were important factors capable of reducing switching behaviors among Taekwondo-Jang customers. Therefore, in order to promote customer satisfaction, Taekwondo-Jang should continually commit to human service quality and relationship marketing.
Key Words
인적서비스품질, 관계마케팅, 고객만족, 고객신뢰, 전환비용, 고객충성도, Human Service Quality, Relationship Marketing, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Trust, Switching Cost, Customer Loyalty
The Relationship between Job Stress and Job Performance for Fitness Personal Trainers: Moderating Effect of Self-Efficacy 피트니스 퍼스널 트레이너의 직무 스트레스와 직무 성과의 관계: 자기효능감의 조절 효과를 중심으로
The Relationship between Job Stress and Job Performance for Fitness Personal Trainers: Moderating Effect of Self-Efficacy 피트니스 퍼스널 트레이너의 직무 스트레스와 직무 성과의 관계: 자기효능감의 조절 효과를 중심으로
The main purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of job stress on job performance of fitness trainer and the moderating effect of self-efficacy on job stress and job performance. With the researching purpose, 279 questionnaires in total were distributed in fitness centers in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do and 272 were used for analysis with 7 being removed due to missing value. Then frequency analysis, reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, correlation analysis and hierarchical regression analysis were performed by using SPSS 25.0. The results were as followed. First, job stress of fitness trainer had a negative effect on job performance. Second, self-efficacy of fitness trainer was proved to have moderating effect on the relationship between job stress and job performance. Especially, job performance of fitness trainer with high self-efficacy was less likely to be negatively influenced by job stress. Therefore, it was suggested that programs for improving fitness trainers’ self-efficacy and human resource management should be conducted in fitness center in order to further enhance business performance.
A Study of Development Plans for Triathlon Competition Based on the Delphi Method 델파이(Delphi)기법을 활용한 트라이애슬론(철인3종)경기대회의 발전 방안에 관한 연구
This study intended to collect diverse opinions of improvement plans for triathlon game from an expert group to establish a methodical system and achieve qualitative improvement of the game, which is on the rise, and seek operation plan for an efficient event, based on the delphi method. Through this, this study aims to prepare for a base for an effective event operation, For the purpose of this, this study collected various opinions regarding development plans by selecting 18 knowledgeable experts who supervise the event and participate in it in a direct and indirect way based on the experience in the relevant field. As a result, a total of 6 items were categorized. According to the analysis of priority by category, it was analyzed in order of 1. Active support of local government, 2. Fostering professional workforce, 3. Expansion of communication opportunities, 4. Establishment of systematic operation structure for the competition 5. Seeking for popularization method, 6. Improvement of awareness. The research results expect to serve as basic materials for institutions of local governments and central organizations in running effective events.
The Effect of Ski Training Service Quality on Parental Trust, Adherence and Recommendation Intention 스키 강습 서비스품질이 학부모 신뢰, 지속의도 및 추천의사에 미치는 영향
전태준ChonTae-Jun , 김화룡KimHwa-Ryong , 윤신혜YoonSin-Hye
The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of service quality in ski training on parental trust, adherence and recommendation intention. By using purposive sampling method, from Jan 5th to Feb 10, 2019, a total of 200 questionnaires were distributed and 194 questionnaires were collected from the participants excluding unreliable questionnaires with omissions. Several statistical analyses including frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, internal consistency test, and a structural equation modeling(SEM) analysis were conducted by using IBM SPSS WIN Ver. 21.0 and IBM AMOS 21.0. The results of the study as follows: First, instructor, cost, additional facilities, accessbility, and main facility among ski training service quality affected parental trust. Second, parental trust affected continuity intention Third, parental trust affected recommendation intention.
The purpose of this study is to explore effective and practical career plans reflecting demand of the field, in regard to education for university students who major in physical education, as the importance and necessity of career education at a university level are increasing. Systematic literature review (PRISMA) methodology was used for this study. From 38 pieces of literature that were finally selected for this study, research results were put together from three perspectives as follows: 1. ‘Factors Related to Students’ Decision-Making for Career’ which should be considered in career education for physical education majors; 2. Problems of Career Education in the Physical Education Curriculum, and; 3. Improvement Plans. First, it was found that students’ decision-making for career is affected by individuals’ personal internal factors (i.e., satisfaction with major, self-efficacy, and career barrier) and external factors (i.e., counselling history on career paths, career conditions, and the status of related jobs). Second, the state of career education for physical education majors was found to be insufficient in terms of a lack of career education in the curriculum, a lack of support from major professors, and a lack of support for field experience. Third, improvement plans were suggested from the following perspectives: development of systematic career education curriculum (i.e., fostering leadership, reorganization of curriculum focused on career specialty, and operation of systematic curriculum); provision of an adequate environment for career education (i.e., establishment of infrastructure that links the university to society and collection of information on career paths for physical education majors). Moreover, the necessity to develop career education curriculum in connection with demand of students regarding career, the lack of systematic information on career paths of physical education majors, and the lack of researches on career education for physical education majors were discussed in this study.
Key Words
체육계열 전공, 진로 교육, 체계적 문헌고찰, Career Education Curriculum, Kinesiology/Physical Education/Sport and Leisure Studies
Diet Culture of Working Women in Their 20s and 30s 2030 직장인 여성의 다이어트 문화
Diet Culture of Working Women in Their 20s and 30s 2030 직장인 여성의 다이어트 문화
As an extension of the prior study of dieting as a cultural phenomenon, this study focused on the detailed interpretation and understanding of diet culture shared by working women in their 20s and 30s by taking a closer look at and describing diet behaviors. To this end, 14 women in their 20s and 30s who are on a diet were selected as participants in the study, and then studied using cultural technology and intellectual methods. Studies have shown that women who work for 2030 have a voluntary nature, but behind it is interpreted as a cultural response commensurate with social views and evaluations. Their diets were based on strong will, and they were also observed to address the side effects of working life. Also, the diet cultural meaning of working women was interpreted as a mechanism to confirm their social identity. Working women who are keen on dieting were using this act to provide opportunities for social identification and display of their identity, and they were also partly influenced by the cultural implications of it. The study is meaningful in that it provides an opportunity to look at diet behaviors of women in their 20s and 30s and based on this, it is based on understanding their diet culture.
Key Words
다이어트, 다이어트 문화, 2030 직장인 여성, 질적 연구, Diet, Diet Culture, Working woman, Qualitative research
An Analysis of Priority Assessment on Policy Factor for Revitalization of Leisure Welfare 여가복지 활성화를 위한 정책요인의 우선순위 산정
An Analysis of Priority Assessment on Policy Factor for Revitalization of Leisure Welfare 여가복지 활성화를 위한 정책요인의 우선순위 산정
박수정ParkSoo-Jung , 이병유LeeByoung-Wu , 김준수KimJun-Su
This study deduces policy factors based on the Framework Act on the Promotion of Leisure of Citizens to activate leisure and welfare. Its purpose is to perform relative importance research to create a process for the activation of leisure welfare. For this, leisure and welfare activation policy factors were deduced for expert group consultations and literary contemplation and using the deduced policy factors, priorities were computed. The important analysis results regarding this are as follows. First, relative importance in hierarchy 1 were computed in the order of system factors, environmental factors and educational factors, and it was analyzed that system factors should be taken into consideration first. Second, upon computing the converted weight between sub-factors using each weight of hierarchy 1, hierarchy 2, and hierarchy 3, it was computed in the order of exclusive institute installation factor, service delivery institute factor, legislation factor, committee composition factor, enjoyment resource provision factor, economic support factor, policy development factor, facility factor, relevant budget factors, policy project development factor, spatial factor, service delivery system factor, educational course development factor, community composition activity support factor, publication factor, educational contents development factor, specialized human resource fostering factor, perception improvement factor, information access ability enhancement program factor, basic data survey factor, beneficiary expansion factor, relevant empirical data-based establishment and sharing factor, and factor of converting the leisure welfare policy basis paradigm, thus being analyzed that the exclusive institute installation factor must be taken into consideration first. The results of this offers policy-based and scientific implications on the operation direction and service delivery system of relevant pan-government and local government organizations, as well as relevant agencies.
The purpose of the study was to examine the research trend of senior leisure sports in Korea. In this study, data was collected from papers on Korean Journal of Physical Education, Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies and Journal of Korea Gerontological Society from 1982 to 2018. A total of 150 papers regarding to senior leisure sports were published on three journals and 75 were chosen for the final analysis based on selecting standard. The collected data was categorized according to research area, research method and research subject through content analysis. The results of this study were as followed. First, ‘leisure behavior’ appeared to be the most frequent research area. To be more particular, ‘the result of leisure experience’ in leisure behavior research accounted for the highest proportion in nine detailed areas. Next, as for research method, more quantitative researches were conducted than qualitative researches and most quantitative researches were done by using ‘regression analysis’ and ‘structural modeling analysis’, indicating that most studies on senior leisure sports were to identify the influence or the structural relationship of variables. Finally, most studies chose elderly as research subject while studies on preliminary aged people, literature and experts were found to be insufficient.
Key Words
노인, 여가스포츠, 연구동향, 내용분석, Elderly, Leisure sports, Study on the Research Trends, contents analysis
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Self-leadership and Dance Achievement of University Students Majoring in Dance 무용전공 대학생의 감성지능이 셀프리더십과 진로자기효능감에 미치는 영향
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Self-leadership and Dance Achievement of University Students Majoring in Dance 무용전공 대학생의 감성지능이 셀프리더십과 진로자기효능감에 미치는 영향
This study identified the influence of emotional intelligence and self-leadership on career self-efficacy of university students majoring in dance. The study participants surveyed 326 university students majoring in dance at five universities in Seoul and Gyeonggi province. The collected data were frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis using the statistical program IBM SPSS Statistics Version 21.0. First, emotional intelligence influenced on self-leadership of university students majoring in dance significantly. Secondly, emotional intelligence influenced on career self-efficacy of university students majoring in dance significantly. Third, self-leadership influenced on career self-efficacy of university students majoring in dance significantly. Based on the above findings, it turns out that the emotional intelligence of university students majoring in dance is an influential variable that increases the sense of career self-efficiency with self-leadership.
Key Words
감성지능, 셀프리더십, 진로자기효능감, emotional intelligence, self-Leadership, career self-efficacy
A Study on the Indoor Air Quality of A High School Dance Practice Room: Focusing on PM10 and CO2 고등학교 무용연습공간의 실내공기질 연구: PM10, CO2를 대상으로
A Study on the Indoor Air Quality of A High School Dance Practice Room: Focusing on PM10 and CO2 고등학교 무용연습공간의 실내공기질 연구: PM10, CO2를 대상으로
박연지ParkYeonJi , 김영재KimYoungJae
This study was designed to seek management plans for keeping indoor air environments of high school dance practice rooms pleasant by measuring the indoor air quality of a high school dance practice room. In order to identify the characteristics of the indoor air quality of a high school dance practice room, temperature·humidity, Particulate Matter Less than 10μm(PM10) and carbon dioxide(CO2) were measured at a high school of Gyeonggi-do area in June 11st 2018, based on the maintenance criteria of the air quality specified in the School Health Act announced by the Ministry of Education(2017). The study results are as follows. First, the temperature and the humidity of the dance practice room were measured at 25.5℃ and 52.6%. Second, the average CO2 concentration of the dance practice room was 2,766ppm, which was a little higher than the maintenance standard(1,000ppm) of public facilities specified in the Indoor Air Quality Control Act. Third, the average PM10 concentration of the dance practice room was 11.2㎍/㎥ that satisfied the standard 100㎍/㎥. As shown above, the high school dance practice room maintained proper indoor temperature·humidity conditions, but the PM10 concentration rose during dance practice and it is therefore considered that this may influence physical activities. These results can provide scientific fundamental data to be used in establishing indoor air control measures of high school dance practice rooms. In the light of the characteristics of dance practice rooms, quantitative and qualitative research on the indoor air quality would be required in the future.
Key Words
고등학교, 무용연습공간, 실내공기질, PM10, CO2, High School, Dance Practice Room, Indoor Air Quality
A Study on Field-Based Variables to Assess Sprint Cycling Performance 스프린트 사이클링 경주력의 예측을 위한 현장 기반의 측정 변인에 관한 연구
A Study on Field-Based Variables to Assess Sprint Cycling Performance 스프린트 사이클링 경주력의 예측을 위한 현장 기반의 측정 변인에 관한 연구
성봉주SungBong-Ju , 김정훈KimJung-Hoon
The main purpose of this study was to evaluate and correlate 16 cyclists’ vertical jump height(VJH), 1RM of weight training for prime movers and peak pedaling power (PPP) and peak pedaling cadence (PPC) for 10sec, 30sec and 60sec with time trials of 200m, 500m and 1km. As a result, VJH as an indirect index of lower limb’s muscular strength was not associated with any time trails. However, leg curl 1RM was correlated with 1km time trial(R2=-.536, p<.05), and 30sec PPP and 30sec PPC were found to have statistical significance with 1km (R2=-.510, p<.05) and 200m, 500m and 1km time trials, respectively (R2=-.532, p<.05; R2=-.548, p<.05; (R2=-.766, p<.01). Taken together, based on correlation between Leg Curl and 1km time trial, all the subjects recruited in this study have basic muscular strength for downstroke pedaling, but muscular function for upstroke pedaling is additionally needed. In addition, based on correlation between time trial and pedaling power related variables, PPP and PPC for 30-sec pedaling trial are essential for sprint performance among competitive cyclists.
Key Words
수직점프, 페달링 파워, 페달링회전수, 스프린트, 기록, 사이클, Vertical Jump, Pedaling Power, Pedaling Cadence, Sprint, Time Trial, Cycle
Analysis Trunk Muscle Activity and Standing Balance Ability of Archery Athletes 양궁선수 경기력에 따른 체간의 근활성과 기립 균형능력 분석
Analysis Trunk Muscle Activity and Standing Balance Ability of Archery Athletes 양궁선수 경기력에 따른 체간의 근활성과 기립 균형능력 분석
박경은ParkGyeong-Eun , 한태경HanTae-Kyung
The purpose of this study is to analyze the trunk muscles activity and standing balance ability according to the performance of archery athletes with excellent performance, and to utilize them as basic data for constructing a scientific training method. Participants were 11 selected athletes (SG) and 11 non selected athletes (NSG) in the national team second competition. The bow arm and draw arm side of the Erector Spinae muscle and Gluteus Medius muscle were analyzed by using surface electromyography equipment. Standing balance such as symmetry, stability and sensorymotor of front/back and left/right was measured using MFT3Scheck. For comparisons between the groups, independent t - test was performed using SPSS (version 22.0, Chicago, IL, USA). Following the results of trunk muscle activity analysis, elector spinae and guteus medius muscle activity of bow arm side in the NSG was significantly higher than the SG in the drawing phase. Based on the results of this study, it is suggested that the left/right balance ability is related to the performance in unilateral archery performance. Also, it is expected that these results can be used as basic data of archery performance improvement program including left/right stability training.
Effect of Exercise Program on Bone Mineral Density of Lumbar Spine and Femur in Korean Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 운동 프로그램이 국내여성의 요추 및 대퇴의 골밀도에 미치는 효과: 체계적 문헌고찰과 메타분석
Effect of Exercise Program on Bone Mineral Density of Lumbar Spine and Femur in Korean Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 운동 프로그램이 국내여성의 요추 및 대퇴의 골밀도에 미치는 효과: 체계적 문헌고찰과 메타분석
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of exercise program on bone mineral density of lumbar spine and femur using systematic literature review and meta-analysis. The literature search was carried out until January 2019, and a total of 12 documents were included in the analysis. Statistical analysis for meta-analysis was performed using the Review Manager Version 5.3(RevMan, The Cochrane Collaboration, Oxford, UK) to calculate the standardized mean lag effect size. A total of 284 participants were 143 in the experimental group and 141 in the control group, including adolescent girls, pre- and postmenopausal women and older women. As a result of the analysis, the exercise programs were mainly applied for 12 weeks, 4 to 5 times a week, 50 to 60 minutes of weight bearing exercise and compound exercise. In addition, the BMD of the lumbar spine(0.65, 95%CI=-0.01, 1.32) was significantly improved after the exercise program, but the femoral neck(0.03, 95% CI=-0.36, 0.12), the ward’triangle(0.16, 95% CI=-0.31, 0.58), the trochanter(0.29, 95% CI=-0.11, 0.70), and the total BMD(0.62, 95% CI=-0.15, 1.39) did not show any significant effect. Therefore, in future studies, to improve the BMD of lumbar spine and femur, continuous exercise program should be implemented through more detailed and careful exercise prescription.
The Effect of Student’s Class Satisfaction toward General PE Teacher’s Teaching Ability in an Inclusive PE Environment 일반체육교사의 통합체육지도역량이 비장애학생의 수업만족도에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Student’s Class Satisfaction toward General PE Teacher’s Teaching Ability in an Inclusive PE Environment 일반체육교사의 통합체육지도역량이 비장애학생의 수업만족도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to analyze the student’s class satisfaction toward PE Teacher’s level of teaching ability in an inclusive PE environment. Twelve PE teachers were divided 3 group (upper, middle, lower) according to the their teaching ability in an inclusive PE environment and to analyze student’s class satisfaction, 316 students who learned from the 12 PE teachers in an inclusive PE environment participated in the research. The results of the study were as follows. First, there was a statistically significant positive correlation among the satisfaction of teaching behavior, PE environment, exercise ability, and PE score (P<.01). Second, there was a statistically significant difference (p<.001) between group of teacher's teaching ability and satisfaction of teaching behavior. Third, there was a statistically significant difference (p<.001) between group of teacher's teaching ability and satisfaction of PE environment. Forth, there was a statistically significant difference (p<.001) between group of teacher's teaching ability and satisfaction of exercise ability, Fifth, there was a statistically significant difference (p<.001) between group of teacher's teaching ability and satisfaction of PE score.